The Carpenters International Training Fund (CITF) Career Connections Pre-Apprenticeship provides high school/technical college graduates with a jump-start into their careers as professional carpenters, millwrights, piledrivers, welders, and industrial maintenance technicians. Graduates receive advanced placement into Apprenticeship Programs at more than 200 United Brotherhood of Carpenters affiliate training centers throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Who is the Certifying Agency?
Carpenters International Training Fund (CITF)
What Industry-Based Credentials (IBC) are available?
Current IBC numbers are for use with the Louisiana Department of Education only. We are in the process of applying for IBCs through the Texas Education Authority.
What are the Graduation Pathways?
Jump Start 2.0
Architecture and Construction
Jump Start 1.0
Agriculture Tech
Manufacturing, Constructions Crafts, and Logistics
Carpenter Helper
What are the CDF-Qualifying Course Codes for this program?
CDF-Qualifying Pre-Apprenticeship I (1 Credit) - 080230
CDF-Qualifying Pre-Apprenticeship I (2 Credits) - 080231
CDF-Qualifying Pre-Apprenticeship II (1 Credit) - 080233
CDF-Qualifying Pre-Apprenticeship II (2 Credits) - 080234
CDF-Qualifying Pre-Apprenticeship III (1 Credit) - 080236
CDF-Qualifying Pre-Apprenticeship III (2 Credits) - 080237
CDF-Qualifying Pre-Apprenticeship IV (1 Credit) - 080239
CDF-Qualifying Pre-Apprenticeship IV (2 Credits) - 080240
How much do the training materials cost?
Teacher Train-the-Trainer
Instructor Certification Registration Fee (Includes 1 year LMS instructor license with unlimited access to the complete career connections curriculum) - $400.00
Learning Management System
LMS Site Administrator License (1 Year) - Free
LMS Administrative Assistant License (1 Year) - Free
LMS Teacher License (1 Year) - $101.00
LMS Student License (1 Year) - $17.00
Student License Includes:
Math for the Trades (Core)
One Trade, Many Careers (Level 1)
Project Book 1 (Level 1)
Project Book 2 (Level 2)
Project Book 3 Commercial (Level 3)
Project Book 3 Residential (Level 3)
Introduction to Millwrighting
Oxyfuel Cutting and SMAW Welding
To request training or submit an order request, please CLICK HERE.
Is there any digital option for blended or distance learning?
Yes, the CITF: Career Connections Learning Management System (LMS) can be used to deliver training materials and assessments.
What are the system requirements for the LMS?
The LMS is optimized to work on any internet-capable Windows/Mac desktop, laptop, Chromebook, or Windows/iOS/Android tablet.
The following web browsers are supported:
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari
How are students tested?
That depends. If students are taking a knowledge-based assessment, it may be delivered via paper handout or by PC/Chromebook/tablet using the CITF: Career Connections Learning Management System. If the assessment is hands-on skills-based, students will be evaluated based on safety and performance for each project.
What accommodations are allowed?
Teachers are allowed to make any necessary provisions based on the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Accommodations.
What are the safety measures for testing security?
If a test has been compromised, teachers have the ability to generate new assessments using a bank of 1,600 questions within the LMS.
Are there any special testing dates for students?
No, the testing is created and administered by the teacher at any time.
Is there any testing security or proctoring protocols?
No, just follow standard testing policies set by your local school or district.
What is the re-testing policy?
Teachers may determine if the student needs further remediation before re-testing. There is no maximum limit on re-testing.
What is the Instructor Certification policy?
Bulletin 746, Chapter 5: All Louisiana teachers providing instruction in a course that leads to an IBC must hold the certification that they’re teaching students to attain.
Teachers must be certified CITF: Career Connections Instructor, with current certifications on file with the state. To maintain CITF: Career Connections certification, they must continue teaching the CITF curriculum without a lapse of more than two years. If there is a lapse of more than two years, the teacher must re-certified.